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Freshwater Angelfish

Freshwater Angelfish are gorgeous, popular and instantly recognizable aquarium fish. Their long and flowing fins give them the distinct ethereal look that rightly gives them their name.

Freshwater Angelfish are a species of Cichlidae that are native to the Amazon river basin in South America that has a distinct triangular shape that differentiates them from their saltwater counterparts. They generally only grow to be a few inches in length, while marine angelfish can grow up to a foot long. Though scientists believe that marine angelfish are more closely related to butterflyfish, the two angelfish are often grouped due to their similar appearances.

Some fun facts about freshwater angelfish include:
– These fish mate for life, and if one fish dies the other will stop mating
– They can live up to ten years
– They are one of the only fish that raises their young

Freshwater Angelfish are generally easy to take care of, but they do have a semi-aggressive temperament which makes them a good match for calm fish of a similar size. To take care of an angelfish, you’ll need a tank with a minimum of 20 gallons, with a temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level of 6.8 – 7.

If you decide to add a freshwater angelfish to your aquarium, you won’t regret it as they’re often referred to as the “King of the Aquarium” for their stunning shapes and colors. If you’re interested in learning more or checking out some of the types of angelfish, visit www.somethingsphishy.com for a full list of what we have available! 


freshwater angelfish

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