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Discus Fish – Natural Amazon Basin Habitat

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Discus fish are native to South America, specifically the Amazon River basin.  In the wild, they inhabit slow-moving waters, including small streams, ponds, and lagoons. However, they cannot survive in most parts of the Amazon where water flows too quickly or is not clean enough. Instead, you’ll find them swimming in very clean water and in small Blackwater Rivers and lakes, deep pools, shallow streams, creeks, and small lakes off the Amazon River. These areas are characterized by immense tropical forests and long periods of rain, which provide the ideal environment for Discus fish. 

Discus fish thrive when they receive continuous flows of fresh water. They often live in small groups among submerged tree roots, decayed wood, aquatic grasses, and other vegetation. These natural hiding spots offer protection from predators. The wild Discus’ distinctive stripes help camouflage them in their surroundings. The substrate typically consists of sand-like gravel and decomposed tree leaves. Additionally, plants like the Amazon Sword serve as both protective hiding places and natural breeding grounds for these colorful fish.

In summary, the natural habitat of Discus fish includes clean, slow-moving waters in the Amazon basin, where they seek shelter among submerged roots, vegetation, and aquatic grasses.

Understanding their native environment helps hobbyists provide perfect environment for these “Kings of the Aquarium”. 

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